By Stephen Borsay
IoT Engineer
Device to Cloud Integration - Teaching and Training for Engineers and Hobbysists

Stephen Borsay
Steve Borsay is a Degreed Computer Engineer and electronic hobbyist with an interest in making embedded systems understandable and enjoyable to enthusiasts of all experience and knowledge levels. An AWS IoT Hero. Technical training and product instruction available for IoT, Embedded Systems, and Device to Cloud integration. I will try to answer all questions in a timely manner.
Cloudboard Code
Using the Cloudboard is like cheat mode for IoT, Get the starter sensor sketch for Arduino here:
sborsay Github
Cloudboard Info
Onboard Cloudboard:
- ESP32-WROVER-E w/onboard WiFi
- 3 LED's
- 4 Pushbuttons
- 6 GPIO's (male headers)
- DHT11 Environmental sensor
- 10K Rotary Trimmer Potentiometer
- Photoresistor

Contact Me
Portland, OR & Leucadia, CA
Let's get in touch. Send me a message: